Package org.vrspace.server.config
package org.vrspace.server.config
ClassDescriptionAdds static admin UI content to Spring resource path, and makes sure it's not cached.BotConfig contains map of BotProperties, with bot name as key.This configures VRSpace client that connects to and advertises at central server - if org.vrspace.server.advertise property is true.Adds content and client (babylon) directories to content path, and enables directory listings.Configuration of object factories, only ClientFactory for the time being.Jackson JSON parser configuration.Starts embedded Neo4J with database in directory specified in org.vrspace.db property - only if the property is set.General server configuration.Configures Oauth2 authentication endpointsConfigures WebSocket path (default:/vrspace) and allowed origins (default:*)Container for pre-configured worlds, created by WorldManager during startup.