All Classes and Interfaces
Add is both a Command and a DTO.
Adds static admin UI content to Spring resource path, and makes sure it's not
A shared animation, embedded into VRObject.
Base class for API controllers
Properties of world background, e.g.
A Bot is a Client that has no session.
BotConfig contains map of BotProperties, with bot name as key.
BotLibre integration point.
BotManger component starts right after server startup.
Basic client class, adds user-related properties and business logic to
This configures VRSpace client that connects to and advertises at central server - if org.vrspace.server.advertise property is true.
Client factory interface, providing methods required to log in into the
A request received from a client, created by SessionManager.
That's one bad flexible solution: a command can return anything.
A color with red, green, blue, alpha components
A command issued by a client.
Basic content class.
A custom category of content.
Simple content manager, allows for browsing and uploading of files under
Custom jackson type resolver, used to deserialize Commands residing in
org.vrspace.server.dto package
Describe Command used without argument lists all available classes.
Event dispatcher.
Echoes back the command for e.g.
ElasticSearch session listener forwards all events to an ES node,
Entity that hides it's ID from JSON - useful for member variables that need
to be persisted, but cannot exist without their parent object.
Adds content and client (babylon) directories to content path, and enables
directory listings.
Enter a world.
This is whatever we need to store to the database.
Records all events in the world, saves them to the database, plays them back.
Configuration of object factories, only ClientFactory for the time being.
List of files, used by ContentManager.
A game in a world.
A 3D Model in GLTF format.
Object ID is class name + a number.
Jackson JSON parser configuration.
Browsers on mobile devices do not have javscript console, and USB debugging
is next to useless.
Starts embedded Neo4J with database in directory specified in org.vrspace.db
property - only if the property is set.
Oauth2 login is completely handled by spring security, this is just callback
once it's all done.
Whatever is Owned, can be changed only by owner(s)
Persistent version of event that can be stored to the database.
Some ISPs and/or hosting providers close inactive websockets after some time.
A point (3D coordinate) in space.
Whatever is marked as Private, changes will not be announced to listeners.
Easier than Rotation to propagate quaternions, as it follows quaternion
naming convention (w rather than angle).
Command to start/stop/play recording of client's events.
Command to enforce Scene update.
Remove object from the scene or world.
Rotation of an can be represented either by 3 or 4 coordinates (euler angles,
quaternions), the server will store and distribute it either way.
This keeps track of objects visible to the Client.
Scene properties that determine how far user sees, how often scene is
refreshed, etc.
Remote browser support.
Main application
General server configuration.
this one manages sessions of connected servers
World in which all servers reside, created by WorldManager on startup.
Session flow control.
Thrown when the session needs to be terminated.
A session listener gets all events from all sessions, and can forward or
store them for e.g.
Keeps track all WebSocket sessions.
Used to limit number of concurrent active sessions.
Set client a client token, e.g.
You want to download free content from sketchfab, you have to be OAuth2
authorised with them.
Start another streaming session, for e.g.
Manages streaming sessions to OpenVidu server.
Shared dynamic terrain, work in progress.
A terrain point.
Manages textures known to the server.
Basic user information.
An event that happened to an object.
Basic VR Object encapsulates minimal spatial and other properties.
A simple vrspace websocket client.
Configures Oauth2 authentication endpoints
Configures WebSocket path (default:/vrspace) and allowed origins (default:*)
Welcome message is first one sent once the client enters a world.
VRObject container, contains isolated parts of space, like chat room.
Container for pre-configured worlds, created by WorldManager during startup.
World controller handles worlds-related operations.
Main component that manages all interactions with virtual worlds.
Experimental thread-safe write-back component.