* OpenAPI definition
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* The version of the OpenAPI document: v0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
* https://openapi-generator.tech
* Do not edit the class manually.
import {ApiClient} from '../ApiClient.js';
import { Animation } from './Animation.js';
import { Point } from './Point.js';
import { Quaternion } from './Quaternion.js';
import { Rotation } from './Rotation.js';
import { SceneProperties } from './SceneProperties.js';
import { VRObject } from './VRObject.js';
* The User model module.
* @module model/User
* @version v0
export class User {
* Constructs a new <code>User</code>.
* @alias User
constructor() {
* Initializes the fields of this object.
* This method is used by the constructors of any subclasses, in order to implement multiple inheritance (mix-ins).
* Only for internal use.
static initialize(obj) {
* Constructs a <code>User</code> from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance.
* Copies all relevant properties from <code>data</code> to <code>obj</code> if supplied or a new instance if not.
* @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.
* @param {User} obj Optional instance to populate.
* @return {User} The populated <code>User</code> instance.
static constructFromObject(data, obj) {
if (data) {
obj = obj || new User();
if (data.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
obj['id'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['id'], 'Number');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('children')) {
obj['children'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['children'], [VRObject]);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('position')) {
obj['position'] = Point.constructFromObject(data['position']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('rotation')) {
obj['rotation'] = Rotation.constructFromObject(data['rotation']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('scale')) {
obj['scale'] = Point.constructFromObject(data['scale']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('permanent')) {
obj['permanent'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['permanent'], 'Boolean');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('active')) {
obj['active'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['active'], 'Boolean');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('mesh')) {
obj['mesh'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['mesh'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('script')) {
obj['script'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['script'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('animation')) {
obj['animation'] = Animation.constructFromObject(data['animation']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
obj['name'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['name'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('humanoid')) {
obj['humanoid'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['humanoid'], 'Boolean');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('video')) {
obj['video'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['video'], 'Boolean');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('rightArmPos')) {
obj['rightArmPos'] = Point.constructFromObject(data['rightArmPos']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('leftArmRot')) {
obj['leftArmRot'] = Quaternion.constructFromObject(data['leftArmRot']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('leftArmPos')) {
obj['leftArmPos'] = Point.constructFromObject(data['leftArmPos']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('rightArmRot')) {
obj['rightArmRot'] = Quaternion.constructFromObject(data['rightArmRot']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('sceneProperties')) {
obj['sceneProperties'] = SceneProperties.constructFromObject(data['sceneProperties']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('userHeight')) {
obj['userHeight'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['userHeight'], 'Number');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('tokens')) {
obj['tokens'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['tokens'], {'String': 'String'});
if (data.hasOwnProperty('temporary')) {
obj['temporary'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['temporary'], 'Boolean');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('properties')) {
obj['properties'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['properties'], {'String': Object});
return obj;
* Validates the JSON data with respect to <code>User</code>.
* @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.
* @return {boolean} to indicate whether the JSON data is valid with respect to <code>User</code>.
static validateJSON(data) {
if (data['children']) { // data not null
// ensure the json data is an array
if (!Array.isArray(data['children'])) {
throw new Error("Expected the field `children` to be an array in the JSON data but got " + data['children']);
// validate the optional field `children` (array)
for (const item of data['children']) {
// validate the optional field `position`
if (data['position']) { // data not null
// validate the optional field `rotation`
if (data['rotation']) { // data not null
// validate the optional field `scale`
if (data['scale']) { // data not null
// ensure the json data is a string
if (data['mesh'] && !(typeof data['mesh'] === 'string' || data['mesh'] instanceof String)) {
throw new Error("Expected the field `mesh` to be a primitive type in the JSON string but got " + data['mesh']);
// ensure the json data is a string
if (data['script'] && !(typeof data['script'] === 'string' || data['script'] instanceof String)) {
throw new Error("Expected the field `script` to be a primitive type in the JSON string but got " + data['script']);
// validate the optional field `animation`
if (data['animation']) { // data not null
// ensure the json data is a string
if (data['name'] && !(typeof data['name'] === 'string' || data['name'] instanceof String)) {
throw new Error("Expected the field `name` to be a primitive type in the JSON string but got " + data['name']);
// validate the optional field `rightArmPos`
if (data['rightArmPos']) { // data not null
// validate the optional field `leftArmRot`
if (data['leftArmRot']) { // data not null
// validate the optional field `leftArmPos`
if (data['leftArmPos']) { // data not null
// validate the optional field `rightArmRot`
if (data['rightArmRot']) { // data not null
// validate the optional field `sceneProperties`
if (data['sceneProperties']) { // data not null
return true;
* @member {Number} id
User.prototype['id'] = undefined;
* @member {Array.<VRObject>} children
User.prototype['children'] = undefined;
* @member {Point} position
User.prototype['position'] = undefined;
* @member {Rotation} rotation
User.prototype['rotation'] = undefined;
* @member {Point} scale
User.prototype['scale'] = undefined;
* Permanent objects are always present (e.g. sky)
* @member {Boolean} permanent
User.prototype['permanent'] = undefined;
* Whether an object is active (can send events). E.g. online users, robots.
* @member {Boolean} active
User.prototype['active'] = undefined;
* URL of the file containing the mesh.
* @member {String} mesh
User.prototype['mesh'] = undefined;
* Script that client runs. To prevent cross-site scripting, this is a read-only property.
* @member {String} script
User.prototype['script'] = undefined;
* @member {Animation} animation
User.prototype['animation'] = undefined;
* Client name - unique ID.
* @member {String} name
User.prototype['name'] = undefined;
* Does this client have humanoid avatar, default true
* @member {Boolean} humanoid
User.prototype['humanoid'] = undefined;
* Does this client have video avatar, default false
* @member {Boolean} video
User.prototype['video'] = undefined;
* @member {Point} rightArmPos
User.prototype['rightArmPos'] = undefined;
* @member {Quaternion} leftArmRot
User.prototype['leftArmRot'] = undefined;
* @member {Point} leftArmPos
User.prototype['leftArmPos'] = undefined;
* @member {Quaternion} rightArmRot
User.prototype['rightArmRot'] = undefined;
* @member {SceneProperties} sceneProperties
User.prototype['sceneProperties'] = undefined;
* User's height in real life, used in VR. Transient biometric data.
* @member {Number} userHeight
User.prototype['userHeight'] = undefined;
* Tokens used to access video/audio streaming servers, identify conversations with chatbots etc. Transient, never stored to the database.
* @member {Object.<String, String>} tokens
User.prototype['tokens'] = undefined;
* Temporary objects will be deleted from the database along with their owner
* @member {Boolean} temporary
User.prototype['temporary'] = undefined;
* Custom transient object properties
* @member {Object.<String, Object>} properties
User.prototype['properties'] = undefined;
export default User;