Source: core/media-streams.js

WebRTC video/audio streaming support, intended to be overridden by implementations.
Provides interface to WorldManager, that manages all clients and their streams.

import { VRSPACE } from '../client/vrspace.js';
import { SessionData } from '../client/vrspace.js';

export class MediaStreams {
  /** There can be only one @type { MediaStreams }*/
  static instance;
  static defaultDistance = 50;
  /** Default values for streaming sound, see */
  static soundProperties = {
    maxDistance: MediaStreams.defaultDistance,
    volume: 1,
    panningModel: "equalpower", // or "HRTF"
    distanceModel: "linear", // or inverse, or exponential
    maxDistance: 50, // default 50, babylon default 100, used only when linear
    rolloffFactor: 1, // default 1, used only when exponential
    refDistance : 1 // default 1, used only when exponential
  @param scene
  @param htmlElementName
  constructor(scene, htmlElementName) {
    if (MediaStreams.instance) {
      throw "MediaStreams already instantiated: " + instance;
    MediaStreams.instance = this;
    this.scene = scene;
    // CHECKME null check that element?
    this.htmlElementName = htmlElementName;
    /** function to play video of a client */
    this.playStream = (client, mediaStream) => this.unknownStream(client, mediaStream);
    this.startAudio = true;
    this.startVideo = false;
    // state variables:
    this.audioSource = undefined; // use default
    this.videoSource = false;     // disabled
    this.publisher = null;
    this.publishingVideo = false;
    this.publishingAudio = false;
    // this is to track/match clients and streams:
    this.clients = [];
    this.subscribers = [];
    this.streamListeners = {};

  Initialize streaming and attach event listeners. Intended to be overridden, default implementation throws error.
  @param callback executed when new subscriber starts playing the stream
  async init(callback) {
    throw "implement me!";

  Connect to server with given parameters, calls init.
  @param token whatever is needed to connect and initialize the session
  async connect(token) {
    token.replaceAll('&', '&');
    console.log('token: ' + token);
    await this.init((subscriber) => this.streamingStart(subscriber));
    // FIXME: this may throw (or just log?) this.connection is undefined
    return this.session.connect(token);

  Start publishing local video/audio
  FIXME opevidu implementation
  @param htmlElement needed only for local feedback (testing)
  publish(htmlElementName) {
    this.publisher = this.OV.initPublisher(htmlElementName, {
      videoSource: this.videoSource,     // The source of video. If undefined default video input
      audioSource: this.audioSource,     // The source of audio. If undefined default audio input
      publishAudio: this.startAudio,   // Whether to start publishing with your audio unmuted or not
      publishVideo: this.startVideo    // Should publish video?

    this.publishingVideo = this.startVideo;
    this.publishingAudio = this.startAudio;

    // this is only triggered if htmlElement is specified
    this.publisher.on('videoElementCreated', e => {
      console.log("Video element created:");
      e.element.muted = true; // mute altogether

    // in test mode subscribe to remote stream that we're sending
    if (htmlElementName) {
    // publish own sound
    // id of this connection can be used to match the stream with the avatar
    console.log("Publishing to connection " +;

  async shareScreen(endCallback) {
    throw "implement me!";

  stopSharingScreen() {
    throw "implement me!";

  Enable/disable video
  publishVideo(enabled) {
    if (this.publisher) {
      console.log("Publishing video: " + enabled);
      this.publishingVideo = enabled;

  Enable/disable (mute) audio
  publishAudio(enabled) {
    if (this.publisher) {
      console.log("Publishing audio: " + enabled+" stream audio: ";
      this.publishingAudio = enabled;

  getClientData(subscriber) {
    return new SessionData(;
  Retrieve VRSpace Client id from WebRTC subscriber data
  getClientId(subscriber) {
    return this.getClientData(subscriber).id;

  Retrieve MediaStream from subscriber data
  getStream(subscriber) {

  /** Remove a client, called when client leaves the space */
  removeClient(client) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.clients.length; i++) {
      if (this.clients[i].id == {
        this.clients.splice(i, 1);
        console.log("Removed client " +;
    var oldSize = this.subscribers.length;
    // one client can have multiple subscribers, remove them all
    this.subscribers = this.subscribers.filter(subscriber => this.getClientId(subscriber) !=;
    console.log("Removed " + (oldSize - this.subscribers.length) + " subscribers, new size " + this.subscribers.length);

  Called when a new stream is received. 
  Tries to find an existing client, and if found, calls attachAudioStream and attachVideoStream.
  streamingStart(subscriber) {
    var data = this.getClientData(subscriber);
    if ( "main" == data.type ) {
      console.log("Stream started for client", data );
      for (var i = 0; i < this.clients.length; i++) {
        var client = this.clients[i];
        // FIXME this implies that the streamToMesh is called before streamingStart
        // this seems to always be the case, but is not guaranteed
        if ( == data.clientId) {
          // matched
          this.attachAudioStream(client.streamToMesh, this.getStream(subscriber));
          //this.clients.splice(i,1); // too eager, we may need to keep it for another stream
          console.log("Audio/video stream started for avatar of client ", data);
          this.attachVideoStream(client, subscriber);
    } else if ( "screen" == data.type ) {
      if (this.streamListeners[data.clientId]) {
        console.log("Stream started for share", data );
      } else {
        console.log("No stream listeners found", data);
    } else {
      console.log("Unknown stream type", data);

  Called when a new client enters the space. 
  Tries to find an existing stream, and if found, calls attachAudioStream and attachVideoStream.
  streamToMesh(client, mesh) {
    if ( client.streamToMesh ) {
      console.log("Already streaming to avatar of client " +" - stream ignored");
    console.log("Streaming to avatar of client " +;
    client.streamToMesh = mesh;
    for (let i = 0; i < this.subscribers.length; i++) {
      let subscriber = this.subscribers[i];
      let data = this.getClientData(subscriber);
      if ( == data.clientId) {
        // matched
        let mediaStream = this.getStream(subscriber);
        if ( mediaStream ) {
          this.attachAudioStream(mesh, mediaStream);
          this.attachVideoStream(client, subscriber);
          console.log("Audio/video stream connected to avatar of client ", data);
          //break; // don't break, there may be multiple streams
        } else {
          console.log("Streaming not yet started, delaying ", data);

  Creates babylon Sound object from the stram with default parameters, and attaches it to the mesh (e.g. avatar).
  @param mesh babylon mesh to attach to
  @param mediaStream MediaStream to attach
  @param options custom sound options, defaults to soundProperties, see
  @returns created babylon Sound object, or null if stream contains no audio tracks
  attachAudioStream(mesh, mediaStream, options=MediaStreams.soundProperties) {
    let audioTracks = mediaStream.getAudioTracks();
    if (audioTracks && audioTracks.length > 0) {
      //console.log("Attaching audio stream to mesh ", audioTracks[0]);
      let properties = {
        loop: false,
        autoplay: true,
        spatialSound: true,
        streaming: true
      for(let p of Object.keys(options)) {
        properties[p] = options[p];

      let name = "stream:";
      if ( typeof mesh.VRObject != "undefined" && typeof mesh.VRObject.getNameOrId == "function") {
        name = "voice:"+mesh.VRObject.getNameOrId();
      let voice = new BABYLON.Sound(
        null, // callback 
      voice.attachToMesh(mesh); // sets voice._connectedTransformNode = mesh
      // all sounds go here:
      //console.log("Scene main sound track", scene.mainSoundTrack, mesh); // and scene.mainSoundTrack.soundColection array contains all sounds
      // not used:
      //console.log("Scene sound tracks", scene.soundTracks);
      //console.log("Scene sounds", scene.sounds);
      return voice;
    return null;

  Attaches a videoStream to a VideoAvatar
  @param client Client that streams
  attachVideoStream(client, subscriber) {
    var mediaStream =;
    // CHECKME: this doesn't always trigger
    // maybe use getVideoTracks() instead?
    if ( {
      // optional: also stream video as diffuseTexture
      if ( && {
        console.log("Streaming video texture")
      subscriber.on('streamPropertyChanged', event => {
        // "videoActive", "audioActive", "videoDimensions" or "filter"
        console.log('Stream property changed: ');
        if (event.changedProperty === 'videoActive') {
          if (event.newValue && {
          } else {
    } else {
      this.playStream(client, mediaStream);

  unknownStream(client, mediaStream) {
    console.log("Can't attach video stream to " + + " - not a video avatar");

  addStreamListener(clientId, listener) {
    this.streamListeners[clientId] = listener;

  removeStreamListener(clientId) {
    delete this.streamListeners[clientId];

OpenVidu implementation of MediaStreams.
@extends MediaStreams
export class OpenViduStreams extends MediaStreams {
  async init(callback) {
    await import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ '../lib/openvidu-browser-2.30.0.min.js');
    this.OV = new OpenVidu();
    this.OV.enableProdMode(); // Disable logging
    this.session = this.OV.initSession();
    this.session.on('streamCreated', (event) => {
      // client id can be used to match the stream with the avatar
      // server sets the client id as connection user data
      console.log("New stream " + + " for " +
      var subscriber = this.session.subscribe(, this.htmlElementName);
      subscriber.on('videoElementCreated', e => {
        console.log("Video element created:");
        e.element.muted = true; // mute altogether
      subscriber.on('streamPlaying', event => {
        console.log('remote stream playing');
        if (callback) {

    // On every new Stream destroyed...
    this.session.on('streamDestroyed', (event) => {
      // TODO remove from the scene
      console.log("Stream destroyed!")

  async shareScreen(endCallback) {
    let token = await VRSPACE.startStreaming();
    await import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ '../lib/openvidu-browser-2.30.0.min.js');
    this.screenOV = new OpenVidu();
    this.screenOV.enableProdMode(); // Disable logging
    this.screenSession = this.screenOV.initSession();

    this.screenPublisher = this.screenOV.initPublisher(this.htmlElementName, {
      videoSource: "screen",
      // allows share screen audio in Chrome/Edge 
      audioSource: "screen"
      //publishAudio: true

    await this.screenSession.connect(token);

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

      this.screenPublisher.once('accessAllowed', (event) => {[0].addEventListener('ended', () => {
          console.log('User pressed the "Stop sharing" button');
          this.screenPublisher = null;
          // CHECKME: this may be too aggressive:
          if (endCallback) {
        this.screenPublisher.on('videoElementCreated', e => {

      this.screenPublisher.once('accessDenied', (event) => {
        console.warn('ScreenShare: Access Denied');
        this.screenPublisher = null;


  stopSharingScreen() {
    if ( this.screenPublisher ) {
      this.screenPublisher = null;
